Published: Nov. 11, 2022
Friend Stephen McNeil began his lifetime of involvement with the American Friends Service Committee through an internship with the Friends Committee on National Legislation in 1976. He worked for the AFSC for 33 years, serving a grants consultant and on committees, and had a deep understanding of virtually all AFSC’s issues, from peace, to police, to healing justice and immigration. He was also deeply engaged in LGTBQ and AIDS-related services, and was tenacious as a key supporter and organizer for the Hibakusha – people who survived the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In addition to his work with AFSC and FCNL, Stephen also served on the Board of Pendle Hill for many years and served his monthly and yearly meetings in many capacities. It is safe to say his life was consistently about service and about lifelong learning.
Stephen died on June 18, 2022.
A celebration of life is planned for Stephen McNeil on Saturday, November 19, at 1 p.m. PST at the Berkeley Friends Meetinghouse at 2151 Vine Street in Berkeley, California. Light refreshments outside on the porch will follow.
In accordance with the practice of Berkeley Friends Meeting, those attending in person will be asked either to show proof of vaccination for COVID or to arrive at least 20 minutes before 1:00 p.m. PST to take a rapid COVID test. Participants in the meetinghouse should also bring an N95 or KN95 mask to wear while indoors.
There will also be an option for people to participate in this celebration by Zoom. Please join us at the link on the Strawberry Creek website.
from Nancy Wilkinson, Strawberry Creek Friends Meeting