Published: May 29, 2020
Instead of holding its annual in-person conference this year, Quakers Uniting in Publications (QUIP) is offering a series of public webinars on topics concerning Quaker publishing.
Please join us on Saturday, June 6, 2020, at 12:00 noon, Eastern Time, for the last in the series, Ashley Wilcox’s interactive webinar. Zoom instructions are below.
Summary: As a Quaker minister, Ashley M. Wilcox has been surprised by how following leadings has brought her to working with other denominations, including starting a Quaker-Baptist church, teaching preaching at a Methodist seminary, and working with a Presbyterian publisher. In this talk, Ashley will share some of the surprising ways that Way has opened and closed for her, leading to unexpected work in ministry.
Bio: Ashley M. Wilcox is the author of The Women’s Lectionary, a handbook for feminist preachers, available for pre-order from Westminster John Knox Press. Ashley is a graduate of Candler School of Theology and Willamette University College of Law. Her writing has been published in Friends Journal, Western Friend, and various Quaker anthologies. Ashley was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, and now lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her partner Troy and their two orange cats. Learn more about Ashley on her website,
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from Eric Muhr, QUIP (to be 6/6/2020)