Published: Oct. 21, 2022
October 19, 2022
Today I feel pretty good, so I want to make use of that energy. Apparently when I am a little off (or over tired), I have a relapse of COVID symptoms. For me, that is feeling sick, lack of appetite, and nasty, deep cough. The most recent episode is over and I am delighted.
For sixteen years we got along without any vehicle. That worked pretty well. Now we are living in town so Sister Confianza bought a bicycle (used, of course). She took it for a test ride in Tocoa before buying it. Lovely, no problems. Then she came home in the bus. In the bus, the "transmission" of the bike got messed up. The packing of stuff together in the bus is tight. For a while, she just got along, but then a good bike repair person fixed it up (he was sober that morning, so he was a good bike repair person. When he's not sober, which is more common, she doesn't give him business). So now she has transportation. When I have to go out, we'll call a mototaxi.
We have four-week-old chicks. They now have an outdoor run. Diego built it. Diego is an old patient of mine. (He's now in fifth grade). He is very clever. Diego was born with coarctation of the aorta. For a while, my hobby was snatching him from the jaws of death. The gringo clinic arranged for him to have surgery and now he is fine, just fine. Also, a neighbor who has a reputation for doing witchcraft says that he did something (bathed him in sea water--no doubt with accompanying words) to be sure that he wouldn't die in surgery. So he did his part, too.
Back to the chicks. Diego constructed the chick run with sticks and found an old zinc panel to rest on top of it. They all got out yesterday. I could hear them complaining later in the day that they couldn’t return to their roost. (Chicks are not smart, they couldn't find the hole through which they had escaped.) Sister Confianza had gone up to the mother house on the mountain to check things over and I couldn't chase chicks, so they stayed loose all day. We still have ten this morning, so no harm was done.
from Sister Alegría, Amigas del Señor Monastery, Limón, Colón, Honduras