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Apartment Building Hygiene Tip

Published: April 4, 2020


It’s easy.  It’s not a big idea, but every little bit helps. 

Where I live, I pass through halls with doorways.  In ordinary times, the hallway doors are closed, for good reasons. To open the doors, we touch doorknobs.  Doorknobs are great in many ways, but they can provide a path for viruses.

With a neighbor, I wrote a document that we posted in 5 places in our building.  That’s the 2nd page of this Word file.

One of us made doorstops out of corks. Alternative: You can buy doorstops. Here in Oakland, California, the hardware stores are considered “essential businesses.”  So, they are an exception to the “shelter in place” order. 

We included our full names, apartment numbers, and phone numbers on what we posted.

Feel free to adapt this document to your situation.

from Carl Anderson, Strawberry Creek Meeting (3/28/2020)