Published: July 21, 2023
Dear Friends,
It's been some time since we've been able to hold an update call for AFSC supporters, and I'm excited to invite you to an upcoming online videocall.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
11:00 AM Pacific = Noon Mountain
General Secretary Joyce Ajlouny will join me to share about her visits to several AFSC programs this summer. Are you curious about how AFSC is supporting women training as conflict mediators in Burundi, or young people stalled in refugee camps in Kenya? I hope you'll take part in this call to learn more.
Rick Wilson, AFSC’s Economic Justice Director, will join us to talk about work for a livable, sustainable future for all people. I always learn something from talking to Rick, who is informed by decades of work for justice in West Virginia.
To RSVP, please visit Once you RSVP, you will receive information for joining the call via Zoom or phone, as well as a reminder on the day of the call.
Click here to RSVP.
I hope to see you there!
from Christy Tavernelli, American Friends Service Committee