Published: April 6, 2024
Dear Friends,
I’ve been representing Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) in a GreenFaith climate finance group that is working on a project to encourage faith communities to pull their money from the big banks that are major funders of fossil fuel projects. Our meeting (Central Philadelphia) moved our bank accounts from a big bank to a local credit union quite a few years ago, so we can’t be part of a move in the present. But the group realized that having a list of congregations that have already made that move could be helpful in itself.
Thus, the question: has your meeting, or others that you know, made a decision to do your banking with a community bank or credit union rather than one of the big banks?
Thanks for any help you can give. You can contact me at:
Pamela Haines
from Pamela Haines, Central Philadelphia Quaker Meeting (4/4/2024)