Published: Sept. 18, 2020
Saturday, September 26th
10AM – 2PM Pacific Time
Click here to “attend" – purchase treasures and books.
Click here to enjoy the performers.
Click here to donate funds directly to FCLCA.
The Quaker Harvest Festival is an annual fundraiser for Friends Committee on Legislation of California (FCLCA). Originally organized as a community event at Hidden Villa, under the guidance of Josephine Duveneck, in recent decades it has been held in the parking lot of Palo Alto Friends Meeting. This year, due to COVID-19, the Quaker Harvest Festival has gone “virtual.”
We are committed to our continuing support of FCLCA, which is a nonpartisan, statewide public interest lobby founded by Quakers in 1952 to advocate for California state laws that are just, compassionate and respectful of the inherent worth of every person.
from Rita Comes, Palo Alto Friends Meeting (9/18/2020)