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Feeling the Challenge

Barbara Christwitz
On Superiority (July 2013)

Dear Editor: I am on page 12 of the May/June issue of Western Friend, and already my husband, Edwin, and I feel the challenge. I inherited some money recently and this issue of the magazine is helping me to ask how I can invest in the 7th generation rather than just our own comfortable retirement.
“Leap into Wings” is a great model for limiting transportation and electrical use. Edwin and I have a long ways to go, but slowly and with some kicking and screaming we have been following a few of our leadings, i.e. we turned off our city water and used water we gathered from the roof this past winter.
I also appreciated the letter to the editor from Peg Morton in that Edwin and I were faced with paying taxes for the first time in 25 years, and I wept as I sent off the checks.
All this is to say,  “Keep keeping on.” This issue has been more relevant than you know.
With appreciation, Barbara Christwitz

Voluntary simplicity Environmentalism War Tax Resistance Retirement Ethics

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