Dear Friends:
Your Friends Committee on National Legislation has two internship programs for young adults and both are now taking applications for 2020.
The FCNL Summer Internship is an ideal experience for people ages 18-23, but some older participants have found it to be meaningful as well. The work is in FCNL’s office in Washington, DC, throughout June and July. These are paid internships to advance FCNL’s witness for peace on Capitol Hill.
Application deadline for June 2020: March 18, 2020
For more information, see:
The FCNL Young Fellows Program hires recent college graduates to spend 11 months working directly with FCNL lobbyists and other senior staff. The program is full-time and pays a salary at the D.C. living wage standard with benefits. Fellows gain first-hand knowledge of the legislative process, and the organizing and communications work necessary for policy change.
Application deadline for August 2020: Feb. 17, 2020
For more information, see:
– Alan Kamas, Palo Alto Friends Meeting (PYM)