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New Website Skills

Sarah Hawthorne
On Seeds (November 2023)

Dear Friends: When I saw this issue of Western Friend would be “On Seeds,” it occurred to me that one webpage on my blog website was especially appropriate. Under the “Seeds” tab, you’ll find my favorite quotations on the subject of seeds, along with some lovely photos. See: https://sarahs-blog.wixsite.com/kything/seeds

As background, I acquired the skill of website building when Strawberry Creek Friends Meeting realized we wanted to move our website onto a more widely used, standard, website-building platform, so we wouldn’t be reliant on a single programmer. We chose Wix. Apologies if this sounds like an advertisement! The Wix platform makes it so easy. The result was our Meeting’s new website! See: https://www.strawberrycreekfriends.org/

With practice in website building under my belt, I decided to go on and create a personal blog to store/share all my favorite quotations. As a voracious reader, I’m always having trouble putting my finger on a passage I’ve read sometime in the past. With my favorite quotes online in one place, recall is now really easy! ~~~

– Sarah Hawthorne, Strawberry Creek Friends Meeting, Berkeley, CA (PacYM)

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