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New in the Western Friend Library, January 2015

Quaker Earthcare Witness, Quaker United Nations Office, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Bob Morse
On Reconciliation (January 2015)


Quaker Statement on Climate Change

Joint statement to the U.N. Climate Summit in September 2014 by Quaker Earthcare Witness, the Quaker United Nations Office, and Friends Committee on National Legislation. See: westernfriend.org/media/quaker-statement-climate-change


Collaborative on Quaker Religious Education

In August 2014, thirty-three Friends gathered at Pendle Hill in Wallingford, PA, to envision the future of religious education among Friends. See: westernfriend.org/media/collaborative-quaker-religious-education


Breathing New A-I-R into Business Meeting

Friend Bob Morse of South Mountain Friends Meeting in Ashland, OR, has developed a checklist to improve the flow of information from meeting committees into Meeting for Business. See: westernfriend.org/media/breathing-new-air-business-meeting

Climate Nature Religious education Meeting for Business Efficiency

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