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Alternate Realities

Vona Van Cleef
On Politics (July 2017)

Dear Editor: I was fascinated by Brylie Oxley’s article, “Time Crystals,” in the March/April 2017 issue of Western Friend. I’ve wondered before about reincarnation, but maybe it’s time crystals instead!

When our daughter Jennie was four, she was so sure that she had a sister, Annie, who lived in a pink house in Spain, that she wrote her a letter. And mailed it. I never did find out what the North Bend postmaster did with that one; but earlier, Jenny had written and mailed a letter to Santa, and Postmaster Larry Gaughn sent it on to my parents in Iowa!

Ah, the perks of living in a very small town!

-- Vona Van Cleef, El Paso Friends Meeting (IMYM)

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