Dear Friends:
My niece, who has been homeless, recommended preparing an old yet serviceable purse with sample sizes of nine useful items. This could be a gift to someone living on the street. The purse should have a shoulder strap so that it can be carried in addition to a backpack and still leave a person’s arms and hands free.
- Tampons, pads
- NSAID pain relief
- Protein bars, fruit leather, granola bars
- Band-aides
- Safety pins
- First aid kit
- Sewing kit
- Bouillon cubes or Ramen seasoning for broth (the taste of meat provides a sense of satiety)
- Gift cards ($5) for fast food, socks or underwear, coffee
– Diana Egly, Palo Alto Meeting (PYM)
[Friend Diana has prepared a longer list of useful items, which is posted in Western Friend’s online library, here.]