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A New Appreciation for Sports

Virginia Tyler
On Insight (March 2017)

Dear Editor: Thank you for the Jan/Feb 2017 issue, “On Competition.” Each of the articles gave me something new to think about. I know Jay Thatcher, so I especially enjoyed what he had written. But aside from the personal connection, I found his essay, “Prophets on the Field of Play,” profound. Weeks later, I continue to re-read it and think about his ideas.

As someone who’s active, but not very athletic, and has rarely participated in team sports, I gained a new appreciation for the challenges and possible benefits of scholastic sports. Even more, I gained real respect for the role of the official. But more broadly, Jay’s discussion about applying the tasks of a prophet to what you’re doing (in his case, refereeing) has been thought-provoking for me. I have seen ways to look at every area of my life with the three tasks/goals of the prophet in mind. The article also presents other themes that I am still mulling over and talking about with friends. This is an article I will share with several more people, and will keep to re-read every so often.

Thanks for the always thought-provoking contents of the magazine.

– Virginia Tyler, Corvallis Monthly Meeting (NPYM)

Sports Reflection Prophesy education

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