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The Gadfly

Robin DuRant, Gail Thomas
On Debt (July 2021)

Dear Editor:

Regarding “Thoughts from a Gadfly”:  In his article, Anthony Manousos said that he was asked to leave a gathering because “you don’t belong here.”  As co-clerks of the Ministry and Counsel Committee for Southern California Quarterly Meeting (SCQM), we feel the need to clarify that Anthony was asked to leave SCQM Fall Fellowship two and a half years ago because he did not register, and for no other reason.

It has long been the practice of the Quarter to allow only registered friends to attend, in keeping with the insurance requirements of the venue and to honor the work of the arrangements committee, meal preparers, registrars and workshop organizers. This is clear in the registration materials. Anthony’s insistence on coming in, when he had not registered, put the registrars in the uncomfortable position of having to uphold that restriction. Since then, members of SCQM Ministry and Counsel have spent countless hours confidentially addressing the differing perspectives of this conflict.  

– Robin DuRant, Orange Grove Monthly Meeting
   Gail Thomas, Santa Monica Monthly Meeting (PacYM) 

Good order Conflict Resolution

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