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Racism & Militarism in U.S. Foreign Policy

David Hartsough
On Conflict (January 2023)

Dear Friends: I want to highly recommend a new discussion paper, “Dismantling Racism and Militarism in U.S. Foreign Policy,” recently published by the Friends Committee on National Legislation. It does an excellent job challenging the present paradigm of Racism and Militarism in the U.S., shares a possible new paradigm, and explores how we can get from here to there.

You can find this document online here: https://www.fcnl.org/dismantling-racism-and-militarism-us-foreign-policy

You can also order a printed version from FCNL:
FCNL, 245 Second St NE, Washington, DC 20002.

“Dismantling Racism and Militarism in U.S. Foreign Policy” was written in consultation with representatives from twenty-two organizations that provided advice during six months of work together.

FCNL also publishes a very helpful “Discussion Guide” for groups who would like to study the document together.  I recently co-facilitated a group of ten people who discussed it weekly for five weeks.  I think all of us found it very helpful in digesting this document and deepening our understanding of the need to build a society not dominated by our racism and militarism.

I hope you will take time to read this discussion paper and will find it helpful to you in your work in building a society where we value every human being and overcome our addiction to militarism.

If you find the document as helpful as I have, I hope you will encourage others to read it, discuss it, and feel more empowered to build the country and world we long for. I’d welcome hearing from you after you read it, and would like your ideas about how we can best promote and share this document broadly – to build
a more powerful movement to transform our society.

– David Hartsough, San Francisco Friends Meeting (PacYM)

Racism Militarism anti-racism anti-militarism

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