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Western Friend - October 2008

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
From the Editor's Desk Kathy Hyzy (editor) 2
North Pacific Yearly Meeting's 2008 Epistle 4
Some Minutes of Decision from NPYM 5
Know Thy Friends, Know Thyself: North Pacific Yearly Meetin 6
Answering to That of God in Everyone Ruth Flower 8
NPYM (photos) 12
Minute on Climate Change North Pacific Yearly Meeting 14
Minute on the War on Drugs North Pacific Yearly Meeting 15
QUIP Launches New Quaker Youth Book Project 16
Perspectivas sobre el método cuáquero de tomar decisiones en la iglesia (book review) D. Pablo Stanfield 17
Mexico: More than a Sunburn 18
NPYM Obituaries 20
Classifieds 22