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Western Friend - March 2011

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
From the Editor's Desk Kathy Hyzy (editor) 2
Quakerism and Judaism: Jesus the Jew, the Meshiach and the Inner Christ D. Pablo Stanfield 6
Funding Meetinghouses "LJ" Lanny Jay 6
Heralding the New Creation: Mission as Participation in the Quaker Tradition C. Wess Daniels 8
Reflections on Quaker Heritage Day Lisa Hubbell, Robin Mohr 9
Call to Intermountain Yearly Meeting 12
The Machine Gun Elizabeth Boardman 13
Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights (book review) Rob Pierson 15
Who Do You Say I Am? Forrest Curo 16
Letters to the Editor 16
For Judy (poem) David Ray 18
To Be the Outsider (poem) Kristina Sullivan 18
Windows and Mirrors 19
Memorial Minutes 20
Classifieds 22