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Friends Bulletin - September 2002

Scroll down past the Table of Contents to see the magazine. Click on a “view page” button to see a specific article. Click on an author name for a list of all articles on our website by that author.

Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
From the Editor: Opening Up to the Wider World of Friends and Beyond Anthony Manousos 2
A Witness Held in Trust: Perspectives on the nature and purpose of Friends Eden Grace 3
Discerning a Compassionate Response-Friends and the US/Mexico Border Tom Kowal 7
Peace Teams Confront Middle East Violence Bill Durland, Genie Durland 8
Do not Take Sides! A Response to Bill Durland John Janda 9
Palestinian Winter (Poem) Helen Bruner 10
All that Remains (Poem) Helen Bruner 10
The Aftermath (Poem) Marybeth Bland 10
Poem (Poem) Cameron La Follette 10
Steps of Summer (Poem) Alison Lindell-Ross 10
Intermountain Yearly Meeting in Pictures 12
Intermountain YM Epistles and Minutes 14
Highlights from Intermountain State of Meeting Reports 16
Truth of the Heart: An Anthology of George Fox (Book Review) 18
Reasons for Hope: The Faith and Future of Friends Church (Book Review) 18
You Don't Have to Sit on the Floor (Book Review) 18
To Dwell in Power of Truth (Book Review) 18
Memorial Minutes 20
Classifieds 21
Pendle Hill Priorities of the Campaign 23
Calendar of Western Friends 24