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Friends Bulletin - September 1961

Scroll down past the Table of Contents to see the magazine. Click on a “view page” button to see a specific article. Click on an author name for a list of all articles on our website by that author.

Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Pacific Yearly Meeting-A Look Ahead Molly A. Morgenroth 1
Epistles-1961 Bill Bruff, Harold Carson 2
Excerpts from the Minutes 2
Many Interests 6
Budget 7
The Children's Program Mildred Thiermann 7
Excerpts Junior Meeting Minutes Kristina Etter 8
Unminuted Activities Connie Jump, Edith Barton 9
Report of Secretary Mildred M. Burck 10
Pacific Yearly Meeting Appointments 10
Religious Education Workshop 11
Found 11
News from Here and There 11
Procedures Streamlined 12
Northwest Half-Yearly Meeting 12