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Friends Bulletin - October 2000

Scroll down past the Table of Contents to see the magazine. Click on a “view page” button to see a specific article. Click on an author name for a list of all articles on our website by that author.

Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
From the Editor: Traveling in the Ministry . . . Anthony Manousos 2
Knowing Experimentally: Quakerism in a Scientific Age Jocelyn Burnell 3
Walking the Ways of Peace Donna McCabe 5
Prayer Walk to Big Mountain Peg Morton 6
North Pacific Yearly Meeting Epistles and Minutes 8
NPMY Minute on Iraq Sanctions 9
North Pacific Yearly Meeting in Pictures 10
Think about That! Reflections on the 3rd PNW Quaker Women's Theology Conference 12
Psalm 46 (Poem) 12
Friendly News 13
Meeting of the Month Phoenix Meeting Margaret Brittingham 14
The Natural Law Party: A Reason to Vote: Breaking the Two-Party Stranglehold and Bringing Effective New Solutions to America's Problems (Book Review) 15
Memorial Minutes 17
Vital Statistics 17
Pendle Hill 70th Anniversary Celebration 18
Advertisements 19
Scenes from New Mexico Regional 20