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Friends Bulletin - November 1997

Scroll down past the Table of Contents to see the magazine. Click on a “view page” button to see a specific article. Click on an author name for a list of all articles on our website by that author.

Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Aging and the Spirit: 1
From the Editor: Let's Intergenerate Anthony Manousos 2
Finding the Spirit in Retirement Joan Johnson 3
Are you too old to Move? 4
The Older Generation (Poem) 5
Celebration (Poem) Josselyn Fairchild 6
Thank you-My Friend (Poem) 6
From Granite Under Water-Catching the Light and Granite under Water (Poem) Jeanne Lohmann 7
My Soul's Chalice (Poem) Ruth Hultman 7
About the Poets 7
Portrait of Ward Miles-Conscientious Objector Brian Young 8
PYM Approves Health Care Minute 8
Death with Dignity: Exploring the Morality of Self-Inflicted Death John Prideaux 9
Sealed with the Spirit of Promise: A Contemporary Look at Seventeenth Century Quakers Living Into Death Lucy McIver 10
Death: a wild rose bloomed (Poem) Mary Lou Mills Coppock 11
Claremont Meeting Letter Writing Dick Cooper 12
An Update on the Brinton Visitor Program Joan Johnson 12
Pendle Hills Seeks Applicants for Scholarships 12
Quaker Quirks and Quips 13
The Gift to be Complex (Poem) 13
Friendly News 14
Memorial Minutes 15
The House at Otowi Bridge (Book Review) 16
From Our Readers 17
From Mindy Theisman-Cover Artist 17
And Now a Word from Your Archivist 18
Announcements 18
Advertisements 19
Vital Statistics 19
Calendar 19
Dear Friends Everywhere Epistle from IMYM 20