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Friends Bulletin - November 1996

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
From the Editor Anthony Manousos 43
Address for North Pacific Yearly Meeting Nancy Middleton 44
What is the Spiritual Relationship Between Monthly and Yearly Meeting? Margaret Sorrel 47
News of Friends Around the World 48
Come (Poem) Mary Thompson 49
Surging (Poem) Ruth Hartsough 49
Home (Poem) 49
Thanksgiving Reflections Dorothy Blackcrow Mack, Tobin Marsh 50
Quaker Burnout Sharon Doyle 51
Words in the Wind Jack Schultz 52
Vocal Ministry Mary Lou Mills Coppock, Bill Davis 53
Prayer from Meeting (Poem) Lois Vincent 54
How Should Friends Express Appreciation During Business Meeting? Barbara Thygesen 54
News of Meetings in the North Pacific Region 55
The $30,000 Solution: A Guaranteed Annual Income for Every American (Book Review) David Barrows 56
Depression and Spiritual Growth (Book Review) Karin Nilsson 56
The Evacuation Diary of Hatsuye Egami (Book Review) Martha Dart 57
Transcending Tradition: Excerpts from the Writings and Talks of Marjorie Sykes (Book Review) Jeannie Kimnball 57
Memorial Minutes 58
Calendar 59
Announcements 59
Advertisements 60
Vital Statistics 60
Happy Trails to Nancy and Wayne Yarnall; O Friend 61