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Friends Bulletin - May 2004

Scroll down past the Table of Contents to see the magazine. Click on a “view page” button to see a specific article. Click on an author name for a list of all articles on our website by that author.

Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Editorial:Tell me a Story•_É Anthony Manousos 2
Peace Tales-The Making of a CD for Peace Sarah Malone 3
Stories for Imaging the World We Seek Sandy Farley 5
Compost: Quaker Trees 5th-7th Grade Camp Story # 2: Equality Tom Farley 6
The Apprentice Eric Sabelman 8
Roasting Marshmallows with a Dragon and Other Tales Jeannie Graves 9
Ben Lomond Quaker Center: Your Home in the Redwoods! Pendle Hill on the Road John de Valcourt 12
Pendle Hill on the Road Cindy Yurth 13
Upcoming Events at Ben Lomond Quaker Center 13
Peace Books for Kids 14
Quaker Kids Say the Darnest Things Patricia Smith 15
Worshipping on the Sidewalk...In the Midst of a Busy Demonstration John Helding 16
My First Rep Com Meeting Amy Runge Gaffney 18
Memorial Minutes 19
Call to Intermountain Yearly Meeting 2004 20
Friendly Responses 20
Calendar Items 21
Classifieds 21