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Friends Bulletin - May 1994

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Intermountain Yearly Meeting-20th Anniversary 121
Editorial Nancy M. Yarnall 122
Twenty Years Ago in Friends Bulletin-Subcommittee on Visitation 122
FWCC Triennial Update 122
Yearly Meeting Officiers 122
Table of Contents 123
Letter 123
IMYM Its Early History 124
Intermountain Yearly Meeting Ted Church 126
Intermountain Friends Fellowship 126
Reminiscences of Levi Coffin Reuben Barnes-Levering 127
Call to Intermountain Yearly Meeting: Living the Community of Faith 128
Call to North Pacific Yearly Meeting: Do Justice-Love Mercy-Walk Humbly with Your God: Turning Faith into Action 129
A Statement on Yearly Meeting Karen Lawrance 129
Religion and Psychology Conference Patricia Dienstfrey 130
Faith and Formation 130
Peace Training Institute Polly Hare 131
Friendly News 131
Arizona Half-Yearly Meeting Alicya Malik 131
Willamette Quarterly Sheila Smith 132
Pacific Northwest Diane St. Marie 132
Southern California Bobbi Kendig 133
Utah Friends Fellowship Cathy Webb, Allen W. Stokes 133
Memorial Minutes 134
Advertisements 135
Vital Statistics 135
Calendar 136
Announcements 136