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Friends Bulletin - May 1993

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Friends' Concerns 113
Editorial Nancy M. Yarnall 114
Calendar 114
Table of Contents 115
Concerns 115
The Tortured and the Torturers 116
Peacemaking in the Middle East and in Our Own Backyard: An Interview with Sis Levin Middle East Peace Activist Anthony Manousos 118
The Darkening Storm in Russia-Can Quakers Help? Kay Anderson, David Hartsough 120
Mexico City Friends and Some of Their Concerns Ingeborg H. Jones 121
Interfacing: Where We Meet Patricia Silva 122
IMYM-Friends and the Boycott Randy Herrick-Stare 122
Walk Cheerfully: Intermountain Yearly Meeting 123
News from Meetings 124
Arizona Half-Yearly Mary Lou Mills Coppock 124
New Mexico Regional 124
Southern California Quarter Betsy Kahn 125
Coming Home from Devil Mountain 125
Memorial Meetings 126
Advertisements 127
Vital Statistics 127
Announcements 127
North Pacific Yearly Meeting: Extending the Boundaries of Community Announcement 128
Call to North Pacific Yearly Meeting 128