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Friends Bulletin - May 1990

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Introducing a Soviet Quaker Historian 133
Editorial: Introducing a Soviet Friend Shirley Ruth 134
Hostility and Tolerance: Some Reflections on the Soviet Union after a Vist to Britain: Part 1 Tatiana Pavlova 136
Arms and the Palauan Women Verna Curtis 140
The Stones Cry Out: Reflections on the Nevada Desert Experience Anthony Manousos 141
Friends for 300 Words-Quaker Lore: The Blessing Dick Walker 142
Letters: Referring to the Goddess Marie Ingerman 143
Exploring Possible Roles of Active Nonviolence in South Korea Rose Warner Lewis 143
Honolulu Meeting Report to Representative Committee-PYM Polly Pool 144
New Mexico Quarterly Report to Friends Bulletin 144
The Book of Changes for Peace (Book Review) Marilyn R. Chandler 145
Announcements 146
Memorial Minutes 148
Vital Statistics 150
Advertisements 151
There is a Hand that Will (Poem) Molly Bishop 152
Please Note: PYM Site Changed 152