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Friends Bulletin - May 1985

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Sanctuary Jack Powelson 126
Mexico City Montly Meeting: State of Meeting Ignacio Gonzalez 127
Report and Concerns of Honolulu Friends Meeting Ramona Hussey 128
An Appeal for the Children's Program at PYM Pat Wolff 129
Becoming an Environmentalist or How I Learned to stop worrying and love the energy crisis (Book Review) Molly Jones 130
1985 AFSC Pasadena Institute for Interantional Understanding 130
Job Openings 130
Quaker Trivia Madge Seaver 131
Letters 131
Memorial Minutes 132
Vital Statistics 135
Gay and Lesbian Quaker Camp 135
An Old Friend Tries Modern Dress (Poem) George Heaton 136
Announcements 136