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Friends Bulletin - May 1980

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Lifting Up the Good in the Face of Evil Judith Brown 121
From the Editor Shirley Ruth 123
Wanted: Children's Program Staffers for PYM 123
Quakers at the United Nations 124
Friends and Community: An Historical Perspective 126
Speculations 126
Mexico City Montly Meeting Report to PYM Representive Committee Corinne Hernandez 127
Two Positions Open at John Woolman School 127
Pacific Yearly Meeting Registration Information Ernest Von Seggern 128
Pacific Yearly Meeting Worship-Fellowship Groups Osmyn Stout, Tom Farley 128
El Centro de Paz Frank Schutts 129
Letters Thomas Hunt, Helen Stritmatter, Ted Church, Trudie Hunt 130
The 1980 Conference of the West Coast Quaker Association on Religion and Psychology Marjorie Drath 131
Guests of My Life (Book Review) Jeanne Lohmann 132
Memorial Minutes-Hugh Hamilton and Katheryn Cox Hayes 133
Notice of Change of Date for Southern California Quarterly Meeting Retreat 133
News of the Meetings 133
Vital Statistics 136