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Friends Bulletin - March 2001

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Dedicated to Peace: 1
From the Editor: Sojourning for Peace Anthony Manousos 2
Peace Pilgrim: A Personal Perspective Anthony Manousos 3
Free First-Day School Material-A Coloring Storybook for Children on the life and teaching of Peace Pilgrim 9
Meeting of the Month Olympia Washington Alice Miles, Marybeth Bland 10
The Punishment of Manikandan David H. Albert 11
Why We Don't Have a Marriage License... Brynnen L. Ford, Jonathan W. Brown 12
AFSC Organizes Youth for Gay Liberation Efforts 13
One Inner Light-One Thousand Outward Names "LJ" Lanny Jay 14
Jains and Quakers 14
Supplement [Friends of Peace Pilgrim] 14
The Evolution of God Lowen Berman 15
Friendly Responses and News 16
Pacific Friends Outreach Society-The Journey Towards a Permanent Site Shan Cretin 19
Forgiveness: Breaking the Chain of Hate (Book Review) 20
The Forgiveness Factor: Stories of Hope in a World of Conflict (Book Review) Elise Boulding 20
Forgiveness and the Cultures of Peace (Book Review) 20
Growing up Plain: the Journey of a public Friend (Book Review) 21
Before Sleep I Go Outside (Poem) Jeanne Lohmann 22
Relief for Earthquakes in El Salvador and India 23
Memorial Minutes 24
Western Friends Calendar 24
You have a Choice!-National War Tax Resistance 24
The Pendle Hill Forum presents The Prophetic Voice in Public Life: Reclaiming the Quaker Social Testimony 25
Advertisements 26
Pendle Hill A Campaign for a New Century: Social Concern and Action can Foster Spiritual Growth 27