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Friends Bulletin - June 2000

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Ministry to the Dying: 1
From the Editor A Cloud of Witnesses Anthony Manousos 2
Openness and Openings: A Friend's Approach to Hospice Work 3
A Song of Death, Our Spiritual Birth: A Quaker Way of Dying (Book Review) Jean Triol 5
Dying Like A Friend Lucy McIver 6
To Howard Mills-1900-1999 (Poem) Mary Lou Mills Coppock 7
Encounter with Camouflaged Angels Peter Schutte 8
In Celebration with Solitude (Poem) Mary Miche 9
New Books Free! 9
Not the Monster You Might Imagine Laura Weaver 10
A Time of Reckoning (Poem) Robert Atworth 11
Friendly Responses 12
Meeting of the Month: Corvallis Meeting and Florence Worship Group 13
Early History of Corvallis Meeting Mildred M. Burck 13
Florence Worship Group Charles Kimball 13
What Makes Friends House Special? 14
Calls to Yearly Meeting 15
Opportunities for Quaker Service 15
Yearly and Quarterly Meeting Calendar 15
Standing Up and Sitting in for Workers' Right Anna Roberts 16
Gracias from the Editor! 17
Memorial Minute: Leonard W. Holden 17
Advertisements 18
Pendle Hill A Campaign for a New Century 19
Sharing the Western Quaker Legacy with Friends of All Ages 20