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Friends Bulletin - June 1999

Scroll down past the Table of Contents to see the magazine. Click on a “view page” button to see a specific article. Click on an author name for a list of all articles on our website by that author.

Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Friends and Native Peoples 1
Friendly Encounters with Native Peoples Anthony Manousos (editor) 2
A Brief History of Indian-Quaker Relations in America Alan Strain 3
Among the Native Peoples of Arizona Juan Pascoe 5
Indigenous Rights Activists Murdered in Colombia Val Phillips 6
Indigenous Rights Gathering in Colorado Martin Cobin 7
Current AFSC Work with the Peoples in the West 8
AFSC Supports Cultural Renewal in Puget Sound Indian Tribes Jonis Davis 9
What Can Friends Do to End Gun Violence in America? Gerry Thelsman 11
The HIP Program Addresses Violence in Schools Kitty Ufford-Chase 12
Trailer (poem) David Ray 13
Authority and Mysticism in Quaker and Buddhist Thought (book review) Jim Flory 13
David Ray's Poetry (review) Jeanne Lohmann 13
Native Americans and Friends: Some Quaker Sources 14
Young Friends News Sarah Bardwell 15
Friendly News 16
Vital Statistics 16
Does Friends Bulletin Make You Sick? Anthony Manousos 17
Memorial Minutes 18
Classifieds 19
Call to Yearly Meeting Pacific Yearly Meeting 20