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Friends Bulletin - June 1980

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Making Effective Witness... Shirley Ruth 138
Notice of North Pacific Yearly Meeting Annual Session 138
Someone Cares if I Stay on the Road... A Conversation with Isabel Bachels of San Francisco Meeting Jeanne Lohmann 139
Friends and Denying War Its Power 145
Odessa Odyssey De-Fusing the Arms Race John J. Runnings 146
International Essay Contest 147
On Loving Our Enemies 147
The Bird Watcher and the Spirit of God 148
Two Tables (Poem) Paul L. Niebanck 149
Proposed Responses to the Olympic Ban John Affolter 149
Message to Children of PYM Joan Marion 150
PYM Children's Program Committee Revising Religious Education Collection Marge Thompson 150
Introducing New FWCC General Secretary 151
Invitation to Montly Meetings from the Harvest Festival Planning Committee 151
Lost: One Book at the Theology Workshop 151
AFSC Service Opportunities 151
On Deafness in Meeting 151
Memorial Minute-Elizabeth Shoemaker Morton 152