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Friends Bulletin - June 1950

Scroll down past the Table of Contents to see the magazine. Click on a “view page” button to see a specific article. Click on an author name for a list of all articles on our website by that author.

Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Depth-Psychology and Personal Religion Beatrice Shipley 1
From the Douglas Fir 2
International Young Friends Retreat 2
Whittier Unprogrammed Meeting 2
House for Hiroshima Charles R. Coe, Ethel M. Miller 2
Young Friends Conference Margaret Boyd 3
Tucson Meeting 3
Siuation wanted 3
Hospitality Marjorie Leavitt 3
Correction for Meetings List 3
Northwestern Quareterly Meeting Charles R. Coe 4
Honolulu Friends Meeting Gilbert Bowles 4
New Zealand General Meeting) 4
Berkeley Study Program-The Psychology of Christian Personality 5
Their Future is Now Marjorie Leavitt 5
A Greater Generation Elizabeth Morrissett 5
Phoenix-Tucson Meeting 6
College Park Monthly Meeting Marion B. Werner 6