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Friends Bulletin - July-August 1985

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Call to PYM at La Verne University 153
From the Editor Shirley Ruth 154
Sandinista Christians Barbara Graves 155
Theology of Liberation or a New Theology for the Liberation Nelson Salinas 162
Friends House Celebration 162
Some of My Best Friends are Rocks Earle Reynolds 163
The Shape of Quakerism (Pamphlet Review) Ferner Nuhn 164
Intervisitation: Travel under Religious Concern (Pamphlet Review) Van Ernst 164
Letter 165
Santa Fe Meeting Resident Sought 166
The Time is Short ! Entertainers, Where Are You? 166
Tentative PYM Schedule 167
Jalapa is Brown (Poem) Miranda Collet 168