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Friends Bulletin - July-August 1980

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Welcome to Pacific Yearly Meeting Eleanor Foster 153
Chico Comments Eleanor Foster 153
From the Editor Shirley Ruth 154
PYM Tentative Schedule 154
Arrangements Committee Notes for PYM 1980 155
Wanted: Volunteers for PYM Children's Program Joan Marion 156
Fellowship of Poetry 156
Quaker Contemplation Madge Seaver 156
Call to Support a National Peace Academy Grave Myers 161
What Do Quakers Mean by Inward Light? The Mystery of Light (Poem) John Fitz 162
Willamette Quarterly Meeting Richard Bear 163
Report of Northwest Quarterly Meeting Jocelyn Dohm 163
Southern Quarterly Meeting Wilma Gurney 163
PYM Peace Committee Plans for Yearly Meeting Ellen Lyon 164
YFNA Annual Conference 164
If You Share Our Concern Dorothy Norvell Andersen 165
Letters Rose Warner Lewis 165
Firbank Farm Richard Bear 166
AFSC Admin Openings 166
Berkeley Meeting Invites Friends to the Circle of Concern Margaret Olney 166
Memorial Minutes-Clara M. Schwieso-Margaret W. Glenn Elsie Renne 166
News of Meetings 167
Vital Statistics 168