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Friends Bulletin - July-August 1961

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
To be Truly a Friend Mary K. Andrews 1
Some Thoughts on Religious Discussion Groups Hugh Campbell-Brown 1
Letters from the Clerk Harold Carson 2
Care for One Another Gretchen Rudnick 2
Friends and the Bible Eubanks Carsner 3
Provisional Agenda 3
Suggestions for Yearly Meeting Charles W. Cooper, Edris Cooper 3
From New Zealand Friends Edward Dowsett 4
From Canadian Yearly Meeting Epistle Mable B. Wilson 4
Arizona Fellowship Jane Webster 4
Gandhian Libraries for Korea 4
Special Peace Meeting Elinor Ashkenazy 5
Tucson Friend Opposes Oath Winifred Osta 5
Junior Retreat John Bryant 5
Prayer for Peace Herbert M. Hadley 5
News From Here and There 6
Letters to the Editor 6
Report of Social Order Committee Franklin Zahn 7
Queries for Young Friends 8
Noble Prayer for Older People 8