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Friends Bulletin - January 1982

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Guest Editorial-Madge Seaver Madge Seaver 74
Resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan 74
Panel Statements on Faith North Pacific Yearly Meeting Alice Miles 75
Tumwater City Council Agenda 76
My Sources for a Quaker Faith Edward P. Thatcher 76
My Living Faith Cameron Hubbe 77
Centering My Life 77
Conscientious War Tax Refusal 78
Yggdrasil (Poem) Phyllis Hoge Thompson 81
An Ecumenical Movement for Peace Shirley Ruth 82
Quaker Apartment Co-op Invites Applications 83
A Small Footnote to History Robert S. Vogel 83
Southern California Quarterly Meeting Wilma Gurney 84
News of the the Meetings 84
Memorial Minute 88
Vital Statistics 88