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Friends Bulletin - January 1980

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Reflections on Re-visiting Kampuchea-November 1979 Robert Stever 73
Guest Editorial John A. Sullivan 74
AFSC: Double Standard on Human Rights? Harold Waterhouse 75
Some Experience and Criticisms of AFSC Ann C. Stever 76
Do as I Say, Not As I Do Samuel R. Tyson 78
Friends and the AFSC 79
AFSC and Society of Friends: A View From the National Board and Corporation Meetings Barbara Graves 81
The Making of Revolutions (Poem) Jeanne Lohmann 83
Willamette Quarterly Meeting Report Pattiebuff Bear 84
Southern California Quarterly Meeting Wilma Gurney 84
The Iran Crisis 85
Quaker Group Opposes U.S. Military Action in Iran, Commends Carter's Restraint 85
Ham Sok Han-Korean Friend Jailed and Beaten 85
Geneva Summer School 86
Memorial Minute-Minerva Murray Burks-Anna Elkinton James-Charless Mott Schwieso 86
A Process Called Clearness: Personal Guidance in an Age of Permissiveness. Earle Reynolds 86
Vital Statistics 87
Calendar 88