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Friends Bulletin - December 1980

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
From the Editor Shirley Ruth 58
Trusting Divine Chaos-Interview with Brinton Turkle Shirley Ruth 59
Kinds of Faith-Prison Poems (Poem) Charles T. Robinson 65
Wilamette Quarterly Meeting Mary Booth Millman 66
Report from NPYM 67
Pendle Hill: A Quaker Experiment in Education (Book Review) Mary Mikesell 67
New Call to Peacemaking-Second National Conference 68
The Great Star Fades and They Turned to Go (Poem) Noel Peattie 69
Announcements 70
Vital Statistics 70
News of Meetings 70
After a Strenuous Walk in the Woods (Poem) 72