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Friends Bulletin - April 2004

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Editorial: In Prison Cell and Dungeon Vile•_É Anthony Manousos 2
Jailed for Justice: Oregon Friend Sentenced to Prison for Crossing the Line at Fort Benning Peg Morton 3
Eyewitness to Occupation of Iraq: What about the Children of Iraq? Anthony Manousos 6
Despair in Baghdad Paula Sheil 7
The Pacifist Dilemma Hal Wright 8
Ramallah Friends Meetinghouse: Century-old Quaker Presence in Palestine needs Restoration 9
All Kinds of Quakers Have a Place in this Choir Vicki Poorman 11
The Miracle of Unity and Diversity at the FWCC Triennial Sandy Farley 12
How Friends Are Living their Faith Around the World: Reflections on the FWCC Triennial Gloria Kershner, Ann C. Stever 14
Waiting (Poem) Martin Cobin 14
Meeting for Worship (Poem) Martin Cobin 14
Travels with Eric 15
News of Our Neighbors: Pacific Yearly Meeting Joe Morris 16
AFSC AIDs Victims of US War and Occupation Rick McDowell 17
Three Types of Pacifists-Three Definitions of Pacifism and Three Ways to be Pacifist Mary Trotochaud 18
Memorial Minutes 20
Peter Bien-On Retiring to Kendal: A Literary Excursion (Book Review) 21
Calendar Items 21
Classifieds 21