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Friends Bulletin - April 1983

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Table of Contents

View page Article Author(s) Page
Mediation on the Lord's Prayer (Poem) Howard Scott 109
In a Season for Resurrections-from the Editor Shirley Ruth 110
Whittier Institute for International Understanding 110
There is a Beyond We're Living In-Interviews with Myra Keen Shirley Ruth 111
1983 Gathering of Friends General Conference 115
FCL South Regional Branch Celebrates 30th Anniversary 115
A Week at Genjo-Ji Elsa F. Glines 115
News Directions for PYM: Reflections of the Clerk 116
A Fresh Look at PYM 117
Interview with Lloyd and Mary Margaret Bailey Leonard Dart, Martha Dart 118
Statement of Claremont Friends Meeting on Sanctuary 120
Honolulu Friends Convey Concerns to Ronald Reagan 120
Report of Southern California Quarterly Meeting Meta Ruth Ferguson 121
Memorials 122
Announcements 124