Episode 16 of the Western Friend Podcast features an interview with Gretchen Castle, Dean of Earlham School of Religion. She is also on the national steering committee of Quaker Call to Action, an invitation to a national dialogue about the urgent threats to our democracy and what's at stake.
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The “chapters” in this podcast are:
00:00 Introduction
01:30 On engaging in difficult conversations
05:23 The 4 Items of the Call to Action
08:44 On Truth
11:42 On celebrating difference and diversity
16:02 On Hope
22:48 Question and Answer session
23:08 Conversation Cafe
25:44 Engaging folks who are angry
31:11 On the polarization of the moment
35:20 On partisanship within Quakerism
38:33 Jon's classic pun
46:40 On preparing ourselves for what's to come
57:42 Outro