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Writers' Retreat at BLQC

March 24, 2021, 2 PM - March 28, 2021, 2 PM US/Pacific

Promptings of the Spirit: A Writers' Retreat with Ben Lomond Quaker Center Online with Dwight Wilson, Zenaida Peterson, and Bob Fisher Wednesday, March 24, 2021 through Sunday, March 28, 2021 Click here to register. Opportunities to give and receive support and inspiration, to learn and share collective wisdom and genre specific techniques in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, lyrics, and creative non-fiction/ memoir. Program leaders: Dwight Wilson, author of "Esi Was My Mother,” “The Kidnapped,” “The Resistors,” "Modern Psalms in Search of Peace and Justice" (FUM Press) and "Modern Psalms of Solace and Resistance," Nancy Thomas, Poetry Editor for Friends Journal. She has a Ph.D. from Fuller Theological Seminary. A published poet (Of Deity and Bones, The Secret Colors of God, and Close to the Ground), Nancy currently lives in Oregon and is a member of the North Valley Friends Church Bob Fisher, Co-Director of the Ben Lomond Quaker Center. Author of Lonely Road, an unpublished memoir and The Sages of Concord, a tv pilot ,and story bible.