November 19, 2023, 1 PM US/Pacific
The horrific events and war crimes committed by both Hamas and the State of Israel in recent weeks have sent shock waves of anguish, anger, and sorrow throughout the world. Yet, this conflict has roots in decades of displacement, military occupation, and apartheid that is too easily missed by the US public and the mass media. This June, a small US Quaker delegation led by Max and Jane Carter traveled to Israel/Palestine to learn more about these underlying power dynamics between Israel and the Palestinian people. Steve Chase, a member of the Friends United Meeting’s delegation, will share what he learned with San Francisco Friends and explain why people who care about peace need to work for justice and equality for Palestinians.
About the Presenter
Steve Chase is a member of the Friends Meeting of Washington and the Quaker Palestine Israel Network. He has also served as an interfaith ally of the DC Chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace and is the author of the Pendle Hill pamphlet Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions? A Quaker Zionist Rethinks Palestinian Rights. He is currently working on a book entitled Seeking Justice in the Holy Land: The Evolution of Quaker Perspectives on Israel/Palestine.
from David Hartsough, San Francisco Friends Meeting