The Gathered Meeting (online)
February 26, 2021, 4 PM
February 28, 2021, 2 PM
Led by Stanford Searl
During the spring, 2020, Stanford Searl worked as the Carroll Research Scholar at Pendle Hill, completing fifty-five interviews (mostly virtual because of the pandemic) with both Pastoral and non-Pastoral Friends, asking them about the meanings of the Quaker gathered meeting.
This workshop explores various themes and challenges about the paradox of preparation for the Quaker gathered meeting. Together, using a Quaker contemplative inquiry approach, we will reflect upon four main themes connected to spiritual preparation that emerged from a research project about the gathered meeting experience.
The letting go of the ego.
Various forms of prayer as preparatory practices.
Practicing worship together.
Deeper vocal ministry.
We will explore these themes (drawn from the study’s fifty-five Friends, both Pastoral and non-Pastoral) from the conversations about the Quaker gathered meeting and employ a contemplative, devotional approach together.
Click here by February 24 to register.