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Quaker Centering Consultation

December 11, 2015, 4 PM - December 13, 2015, 12 PM US/Pacific

A Complimentary Quaker Centering Consultation! Ben Lomond Quaker Center invites all PYM, NPYM, and IMYM meetings to send 2 members who are interested in deepening the Quaker Life of the meeting. The only cost to Friends would be for travel expenses. During the Consultation we will share: Activities we offer in our meetings centering on a deeper understanding and experience of Quakerism. Obstacles and struggles we face among Friends. Ideas for overcoming these obstacles. How the connections made during the consultation can support          interactions within and between meetings. Ways that Quaker Center programs, including our “Quaker Center     on the Road” program, could better enrich the Life of meetings. RSVP to Kathy or Bob Runyan -- mail-AT-quakercenter-DOT-org or 831-336-8333