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Quaker Action on Prisons & Detention Centers

October 25, 2021, 6:30 PM - October 25, 2021, 6:30 PM US/Pacific

~ Quaker Action in the West on Prisons and Detention Centers Mass incarceration is a central pillar of institutional racism in the United States. It undermines children, pillages savings, and tears families apart, while dehumanizing over two million people. If we are committed to ending racism, we must be committed to ending this system. Many Quakers around the country are involved in prison service. They helped found the Alternatives to Violence Project and are active there and in the restorative justice movement. They work to eliminate the death penalty. They write letters to prisoners, hold worship services in prisons, and visit people on Death Row. Some are also involved in political advocacy to change the prison system, stop the school to prison pipeline, and restore civil rights and provide opportunities for returning citizens. Two major Quaker organizations have adopted ending this system as long-term goals – AFSC as “prison abolition” and FCNL as “eliminating mass incarceration.” Join us to hear summaries of what some Friends in the West are doing in and about prisons and detention centers – and share your own experiences. Our focus will be on detenion systems, including immigrant detention. Monday, October 25, 2021 90 minutes starting at 6:30 PM Pacific Time = 7:30 PM Mountain Time Please click here to register for this event. Registration is not required, but it will help us to continue sharing information among Quakers activists focused on prisons and detention centers. Click here on October 25, 2021, to join this event. Meeting ID: 288 711 054 Passcode: 593327 Click here to watch the QuakerSpeak video: "How Quakers Can Help End Mass Incarceration."