Pacific Northwest Fall 2021 Quarterly
September 24, 2021, 5 PM
September 26, 2021, 2 PM
The theme of Fall Quarterly Meeting -- Grieving and Dreaming: Gratitude, Pain, and Transformation -- is based on Joanna Macy's The Work that Reconnects. During our time together, Mary Ann Percy (Bellingham Friends Meeting), an experienced facilitator of this framework, and musician Tom Rawson (Lopez Island Friends Meeting) will guide us through grief toward active hope.
We've planned three plenaries, a time for worship groups, and a small group exercise. As usual, you'll see opportunities for worship, Bible study, programming for children and time for committee meetings, Community Night, and Meeting for Worship for Business.
Junior Friends
PNQM and Junior Friends will work on planning an in-person event for Junior Friends. Contacts are Miles Silverman and Brynnen Ford. Those wishing to help plan or attend the event can contact Brynnen by e-mail brynnenford-AT-yahoo-DOT-com, or 206-850-7634 for text (preferred) or call.
We regret we're not able to meet in person because of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. However, we're grateful for the opportunity to reconnect and gain strength from each other during these times that challenge the health of our entire planet.
Click here to register.