September 01, 2017, 5 AM - September 03, 2017, 2 AM US/Pacific
Join us at the Ben Lomond Quaker Center for a workshop to explore these vital questions: Have you ever wondered what white supremacy and colonization are? Have you wondered how they affect our lives both individually and institutionally? Over the weekend we will spend time examining colonization, racism and white supremacy. How they manifest and impact the Religious Society of Friends and the United States of America. During our time together we will learn about the gravitational pull that perpetuates these systems of colonization and white supremacy and how to disrupt them. This workshop is designed for people who have a range of experience in addressing racism. If you are just learning about white supremacy and colonialization or have been aware of them for years there is a place for you in this workshop. We will do our work in both small and large groups. We will begin and end each session with a period of worship. Please read the following prior to the workshop: White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo and Towards Decolonization and Settler Responsibility About the program leader Vanessa Julye served on The Racial Healing and Wholeness Committee in her local meeting and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. She is a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting’s Worship and Ministry Committee. Currently she is working on increasing awareness of racism in the Quaker and sectarian communities. Vanessa has a calling to a ministry with a concern for helping the Religious Society of Friends become a whole blessed community. She travels throughout the country and abroad speaking on this topic and leading workshops about racism focusing on its eradication and the healing of racism’s wounds. She also meets with Quakers of Color throughout the world, many of whom are isolated members of their Quaker meetings in Canada and the United States of America. Vanessa and Donna McDaniel are the authors of “Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice” that focuses on the relationship between African American Friends and non-Friends with Quakers of European descent from the 17th through 21st Centuries. She has published numerous articles and pamphlets on Quakers and racism including The Seed Cracked Open, Growing Beyond Racism. Vanessa is Friends General Conference’s Coordinator for the Committee for Nurturing Ministries focusing on the Racism and Youth Ministries Programs.